by Allan Nevins


(Volume One of Two)

ISBN 978-0-945707-28-8     $35.00

420 pages including illustrations.

    "From the pen of Mr. Nevins we now have the full life story of a great character.  Some of the gifts and attributes and evidences of greatness in a public man were denied Grover Cleveland.  He was no popular orator.  Impassioned speech that sways the multitude was never at his command.  Yet he could utter his mind straight on, like Mark Antony, telling the people what they all knew to be true about the fundamental and simple virtues of government, in a way to give an impression of intense sincerity and massive strength.  As a writer he was heavy-footed, carrying much of the cumbrousness of a legal style into what he wrote as Governor or President.  Nevertheless, he coined a few phrases and added words to our political vocabulary which are still in circulation.  In political management he was not adroit, nor did he seek to be.  The petty arts of the politician made no appeal to him.  In dealing even with leaders of his own party he often seemed tactless and blundering.  But in large matters of public policy he had a sure instinct, and many times went dead against the advice of his timid counselors to put himself at the head of some cause or movement that captured public opinion and made him seem the embodiment of courage and devotion to civic duty.  The reputation which he had slowly built up of being absolutely fearless, an enemy of all kinds of political trickery, a sworn opponent of waste and extravagance in the administration of cities, the State, or the Federal Government, an abhorrer of corruption, became so firmly established in the minds of the American people that they more and more looked to him as a man of unchallenged honesty and integrity.  They saw that he had a resolution which, when it was put behind what he believed to be righteousness and justice, nothing could shake or break.  In his long and remarkable public career it was not genius, or cleverness or fascinating personal qualities that led him on conquering and to conquer, but simply the weight of character."  (Continued on the back of Volume Two.)

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